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Because it couldn't be translation only

The translation process proves more complicated than a mere linguistic transfer and in most cases, goes far beyond that. Often, a series of other tasks come as a supplement which contribute to give a more precise shape to a product, always adapted to the specific needs of our clients. Among these tasks we can find text correction,
revision and desktop publishing.

Desktop Publishing

Given that a text isn't only defined by its content but also by its presentation, at Sublime, apart from our translation services, we have at our disposal the tools and professionals needed to adapt the translated content to a specific format, ready to be printed.

For this service, more often than not, a greater care is needed, due to the fact that, for the translation process to be complete, you either have to start working on a non-editable format or proceed to edit it later on, after the translation is finished. In some cases, starting the editing job from scratch is required to comply with the client's desired format.

Our translators are familiar with multilingual text editions, on a wide range of writing formats and alphabets, which suggests a guarantee when it comes to the text's consistency.

Proofreading and Text Correction

By means of our correction and proofreading services, we make sure your text is left in an impeccable state.

For many, writing well is considered an art. For the magic to happen, a series of skills like having a rich vocabulary, an exhaustive knowledge of orthographic and grammatical rules of the language used, as well as a perfect mastery of the different registers, idioms, slangs and specific terminologies are needed. As a result, managing to clearly convey the right feeling while using the adecuate style proves to be quite a difficult task.

The goal of our orthotypographical correctors obviously consists in reviewing the typographical syntax, grammar and spelling of a text. In the end, their task is to homogenize the content paying special attention to pagination, spaces, margins, line spacing, etc. Furthermore, our style reviewers take on the task of improving the text and give it that special, final touch. For that reason, it is of utmost importance to work with style guides to correct spelling mistakes, matching of tenses, cacophony, ambiguities, etc.

The result we want to achieve with those type of services is to make the translation shine so we can finally deliver a polished text to our client.

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